My sugar purge is amazing! Less cravings, better skin, less belly fat and definitely slimmer overall. My clothes fit me differently and I’m starting to show some muscle definition in my abs. I have a great core and I’m really excited that its no longer going to be covered in fat. The negative to all this is that I can no longer drink coffee. For some people this might seem silly, but for others this will definitely seem like the end of the world. I’m sort of in between. I’m not a huge coffee drinker, but I do enjoy a good cup from time to time. Coffee doesn’t wake me up or give me the buzz people seem to need in the morning to make it through the work day, but I like how it smells and how it tastes. I made myself a cup today and couldn’t finish it. It wasn’t anything fancy, just a k-cup, a bit of creamer and a spoonful of sugar. 1/3 of the way through the cup I had such a headache I had to throw it out. Bittersweet ending to what could have been a terrible addiction…