Articles by Valerie
Sometimes I find it extremely frustrating to have the personality that I do. There are 4 main personality types: sanguine, melancholy, choleric and phlegmatic. Each has their specific traits, strengths and weaknesses. Most people are hybrids of 2 or 3 of them. You can take a quick test to find yours. I happen to be phlegmatic. I am […]
I just got back from a weekend trip with Gavin to the Asbury Park Comicon. What an interesting experience! This year it was held at the Berkeley Oceanfront Hotel and sprawled throughout all of the ballrooms upstairs and downstairs. Like most conventions, it had rooms full of vendors, tables packed with colorful products, and tons of […]
One of my coworkers has been diagnosed with cancer. She’s 26, which is very young for any kind of cancer, but even more devastating for her because this particular cancer could potentially prevent her from being able to have children in the future. She is single and up until now always firmly stated she didn’t […]
I spend a fair amount of time online, especially trying to keep up with the world via Facebook. I always find it interesting to look at the advertisements on the side bar and floating through my news feed. Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about how to lose weight with some miracle superfood/ingredient/diet […]
Juice Day #1…. OMG I am a miserable person when I don’t eat. Cranky, headachy, hungry, and tired on top of my usual tiredness and soreness. Not a fun day for me. Today consisted of lots and lots of water, some vanilla flavored vitamin-packed craving-reducing tablets, and the berry flavored deep cleansing juice that comes […]