
Aug - 15 2014 | By

I had this discussion with some of my yoga students today about hidden talents. Mine is obvious being a ballroom dancer and they are forever impressed with what I’m able to do (I love sharing pictures and videos with them!). One of the women in class told me a story she had heard about someone locally who saved her house and pretty much her entire life because of her hidden talent. This woman’s house was on the verge of foreclosure and she was trying desperately to figure out a way to find some money so she could pay her mortgage. A friend of her’s told her she should bake her amazing apple cake and sell it. Because she didn’t have many options, she did. She baked a whole bunch of her cakes and sold them to everyone she knew. Her cake became such a hit, she was requested to make and sell more. It became her job and her life. Never had she imagined that something as simple as taking a hobby like baking apple cake could change her entire life. This story touched me deeply and I encouraged all of my students that day to look deep inside themselves to find the little things they enjoyed and were good at. Just by recognizing your talents, you can be on the path to a better life and can give yourself the opportunity to achieve your goals. Never underestimate the little things in life, they might just become your life.

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