
Feb - 27 2014 | By

Spring is coming, although it doesn’t really feel like it with the ridiculous amounts of snow and cold temperatures New Jersey has been having this winter. And with the change of season comes the need to shed our stored winter weight along with any toxins we’ve been holding onto. I love cleanses. Now, don’t get me wrong ,there are definitely some crazy ones out there. Only consuming pineapple juice for a week is hardly healthy. A massage therapist friend of mine introduced me to my favorite type of cleanse, a nutritional cleanse, where you still get all the calories and nutrients your body needs with all the benefits of cleansing. Isagenix is amazing! I use the 9 day cleanse and I always feel energized and light when I’m done. Not cheating can be difficult, but the discipline is well worth it. My system should be coming in the mail in the next few days. I’ll definitely share the results once I’m through 🙂

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