How I Lost (insert number here) Pounds

Mar - 31 2014 | By

I spend a fair amount of time online, especially trying to keep up with the world via Facebook. I always find it interesting to look at the advertisements on the side bar and floating through my news feed. Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about how to lose weight with some miracle superfood/ingredient/diet that you must try and has been missing from your regular routine for years. How could we have been so dumb as to not have had it in our diets already? Something that good everyone should know about! They, of course, always show a picture of a gorgeous, slim woman with the physique of a fitness model. And people believe it! Adding something nutritious to your diet is always a good idea, but believing that it will transform you from the couch potato that you are into a super model is just ridiculous. The only way to get that body is to work for you. Exercise regularly and push yourself – you won’t see results unless you go outside of your comfort zone. Drink plenty of water. Eat good healthy food. Sleep. I’m not going to say its that simple because I know doing all of those things can be quite challenging, but start with one and eventually all of them will be part of your daily routine.

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