Moving Again
Its pretty amazing how life can change in the blink of an eye. You are finding me now sitting in a new room with a new life ahead of me. Yes, I moved. I was contacted by a real estate broker who is in charge of the selling of the house I was in asking everyone to move out asap. Not only that, we were given the incentive of $1000 to move out by the end of July. So I took it. $1000 is a good amount of money, especially when you are only renting a room and not a whole apartment. It was heartbreaking leaving a home I was comfortable in, but I am incredibly grateful for the opportunity I’ve been given. I moved in with Gavin and his family (both parents and his older brother). I have my own room and access to everything in the house. Not all of my belongings fit here so a good amount are now being stored at my parents house an hour away, too far to live and commute from. The room is small, but cozy and sunny, and I really do have everything I need. Plus, I have the added bonus of seeing Gavin everyday 🙂 I would like to think that this is just temporary, but I really hate moving and I really could get used to living here…