
May - 01 2014 | no comments | By

Sometimes I find it extremely frustrating to have the personality that I do. There are 4 main personality types: sanguine, melancholy, choleric and phlegmatic. Each has their specific traits, strengths and weaknesses. Most people are hybrids of 2 or 3 of them. You can take a quick test to find yours. I happen to be phlegmatic. I am quiet, introverted, peaceful, non-confrontational, loyal to a fault, emotional, sympathetic and nurturing. I need reassurance and praise when its due. While these might sound like good traits to have, they are difficult to deal with in business. I feel like I’m not strong enough on way too many occasions and that I don’t get the respect or attention that I know I deserve for my thoughts and talents. I am not a fighter. I don’t ask for things. I don’t want people to know when I’m feeling bad about myself. Yoga and dance have been helping me a lot, but I have a long way to go…

30 Things to Start Doing For Yourself

Apr - 16 2014 | no comments | By

My dance partner posted this on Facebook and I just had to share. Its a really, really great read and we all can take something from it to make ourselves happier.

30 Things to Start Doing For Yourself

Asbury Park Comicon

Apr - 14 2014 | no comments | By

I just got back from a weekend trip with Gavin to the Asbury Park Comicon. What an interesting experience! This year it was held at the Berkeley Oceanfront Hotel and sprawled throughout all of the ballrooms upstairs and downstairs. Like most conventions, it had rooms full of vendors, tables packed with colorful products, and tons of people wandering through looking for something interesting and new. Lots of families checking it out and lots of people dressed up in costumes from their favorite comics and movies. People get very creative with their costumes! We got to connect with a bunch of people who support indy comics (Gavin is the writer/creator of one: check out Ironhorse!) and a former professor at my alma mater Marywood University! Such a small world 🙂

Saturday night we got a chance to walk what still remains of the boardwalk. So much is missing and so many areas are marked off limits. It makes me sad for the shore. Sandy really wrecked the place, but with the new construction going on it looks hopeful that the boardwalk and seaside attractions will flourish again.


Apr - 06 2014 | no comments | By

One of my coworkers has been diagnosed with cancer. She’s 26, which is very young for any kind of cancer, but even more devastating for her because this particular cancer could potentially prevent her from being able to have children in the future. She is single and up until now always firmly stated she didn’t want children. Her plans are to go through radiation therapy treatments in hopes of zapping every last cell and saving herself from needing a hysterectomy. If that does work, she wants to try to have a baby before going in for surgery. It is amazing to see how an opinion can change when you are told you might not have an option…

How I Lost (insert number here) Pounds

Mar - 31 2014 | no comments | By

I spend a fair amount of time online, especially trying to keep up with the world via Facebook. I always find it interesting to look at the advertisements on the side bar and floating through my news feed. Lately, I’ve been seeing a lot of posts about how to lose weight with some miracle superfood/ingredient/diet that you must try and has been missing from your regular routine for years. How could we have been so dumb as to not have had it in our diets already? Something that good everyone should know about! They, of course, always show a picture of a gorgeous, slim woman with the physique of a fitness model. And people believe it! Adding something nutritious to your diet is always a good idea, but believing that it will transform you from the couch potato that you are into a super model is just ridiculous. The only way to get that body is to work for you. Exercise regularly and push yourself – you won’t see results unless you go outside of your comfort zone. Drink plenty of water. Eat good healthy food. Sleep. I’m not going to say its that simple because I know doing all of those things can be quite challenging, but start with one and eventually all of them will be part of your daily routine.

Everything in moderation

Mar - 22 2014 | no comments | By

So I’ve been slacking on the Isagenix cleanse for a week. Yes, I said a week. March 15th I had a huge all day event with my dance studio and needed to have super high energy and concentration, which I did not find I was getting with the cleanse, so I took the day off. and the day turned into a week. A week goes by so quickly when you aren’t paying attention! I have decided to casually cleanse, using the remaining products as supplements to my already decently healthy diet. I feel full and satisfied and not ashamed at all of my decision. Sometimes you just have to pay attention to your body and it will tell you what to do.

Isagenix Day 5

Mar - 14 2014 | no comments | By

Back to shake days!!! I am down 2.5 pounds and have lost 3.5 inches from my body. Here’s what I’ve learned so far: I love to eat. I need to eat. Good quality calories definitely are the key to keeping me happy and healthy. I need to drink more water. Sugar is evil. It gives me headaches and makes me want more sugar. Its a vicious cycle that I want to get out of forever. Cheese tastes terrible (I know, blasphemy!). Anything made with white flour is on par with sugar and equally gives me headaches. I don’t like pizza. Yes, I said it, I don’t like pizza. The best parts of the pizza are the sauce and the veggies on top… so pretty much I’d be happy eating spicy Italian vegetables. Yeah.

Isagenix Day 4

Mar - 13 2014 | no comments | By

Juice Day #2…. I woke up with a headache and nausea like I was getting sick. Not a good feeling after not sleeping well. I decided to skip yoga so I could rest a bit more and try to eat something. 2 slices of wheat-free toast with vegan butter and a granny smith apple got me functioning enough to go to work. I splurged and had a piece of a soft pretzel my coworker brought in and a candy bar. The pretzel helped me with the calories I needed to perform, but the candy bar only gave me a headache. Its amazing how quickly the body can and will react to changes. Sugar clearly is the enemy that needs to be avoided whenever possible.

Isagenix Day 3

Mar - 12 2014 | no comments | By

Juice Day #1…. OMG I am a miserable person when I don’t eat. Cranky, headachy, hungry, and tired on top of my usual tiredness and soreness. Not a fun day for me. Today consisted of lots and lots of water, some vanilla flavored vitamin-packed craving-reducing tablets, and the berry flavored deep cleansing juice that comes with the program. I’ve come to realize that this cleanse isn’t giving me enough calories throughout the day to function normally. I might have to take things into my own hands tomorrow…

Isagenix Day 2

Mar - 11 2014 | no comments | By

2nd shake day today! Not terrible, I made it through with a ton of water and a few snacks throughout the day, which I really need because of how active I am. I started to get a bit cranky towards the end of the day though. Hunger will do that to you. Tomorrow is day 1 of 2 deep cleanse juice days. Wish me luck!

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