At work we have been doing some training on sex appeal, and one of the things that makes someone attractive according to a study my boss read is having a healthy mind and being able to hold an intelligent conversation. We have been practicing talking to each other about random topics, some more familiar to us than others, in hopes of being able to connect better with our students. Looking at this training, it makes me realize how disconnected we really are from each other and from the world. I have been put into the category of dumb blonde at the studio because I’m a fabulous dancer, pretty and well dressed but really quiet. I have trouble starting and sometimes holding conversations because I just never know what to say. Sometimes I feel socially inept. But I’m actually really smart. I was always a good student. I graduated high school in the top 10% of my class. My SAT scores, by the old scale, were 1300. I had academic scholarships in college and grad school. I have had experiences that none of my coworkers have ever had, yet I’m the dumb one because I don’t speak up. I don’t mind sometimes because they expect less of me and I can actually enjoy what I do, but I know it also means I don’t carry the full weight I should. It also means that my boss and coworkers don’t really know me… and maybe I haven’t let them know me enough.
I found this video that I think everyone needs to see before they put down their phones and tablets and step away from their computers. It is bad enough that we are historically, geographically and emotionally illiterate, but adding the social disconnect because of the technology that is supposed to bring us together just makes it worse. The video made me cry because of how real it is and how close to home it comes. Watch it, and then turn off whatever device you used to watch it, and go hug someone. Value your relationships as much as you value yourself.